Thursday, May 19, 2011


We've been doing something simple that has been really encouraging for me and for the boys, so I thought I'd share it here.
In our morning Bible time we have been reading through "Leading Little Ones to God" by Marilyn Schooland. In each of these short devotions there are Bible passages to read. S is our only fluent reader at this stage, so he enjoys reading aloud. But both B and N know all their letter sounds and can recognize some words, so we don't skip over them, but they follow along and when their turn comes they pronounce the first sound in the word and then I read the word. If it is a word they know they read it and keep going.
This has seemed to give all the boys great encouragement in reading - and as I see it, it's probably for multiple reasons.
1. They are actively engaging with us in family reading time.
2. They are reading something real and solid in reading the Bible.
3. They are practicing what they know and interacting with what they don't.

One of those wonder moments came when at the end of the day when V returned from work and B met him at the door exclaiming "Dad, I read a whole verse from the Bible! Almost as fast as S."